Itemise your gear and mark major items with your name and post code. 详细登记你的个人物品,在重要物品上标明你的姓名和邮编。
What's the post code for Guangzhou? 广州的邮政编码是多少?
Structure-the structural relationships between elements is the same so that for example an address consistently consists of a house number, street, city, region and post code. 结构-元素之间的结构关系是相同的,因此例如地址一贯地包含门牌号、街道、城市、地区和邮政编码。
We POST it to the server using code similar to the code used when posting property sheet types and document types. 我们使用类似于发布属性表类型和文档类型的代码将其发送到服务器。
Given the different uses of BIOS functions, the BIOS is made up of two parts: the POST code and runtime services. 给定BIOS功能的不同用法之后,BIOS由两部分组成:POST代码和运行时服务。
If you are creating a Web-based application, it may be that your customer will be in production as soon as you post the changes to your code. 如果您创建一个基于网络的程序,一旦您对代码作出了更改,可能会是您的客户参与到产品中去。
NB-If the system tries to post to a dimension code that is not available ( due to linked structure, etc) it will default to posting value to the first available code in the dimension list. 注意:如果系统试图指派一个不可用的维度码(由于链接的结构,等),它会默认将值指派给维度列表中第一个可用的代码。
The post function is a shorthand function equivalent to the code in Listing 6. post函数是一个简写函数,等价于清单6中的代码。
To POST a new employee to the server, use the code below. 要将一个新的员工信息POST到服务器上,我们可以使用下面的代码。
There are numerous forums where other developers post their questions and code solutions to problems. 各种论坛层出不穷,开发人员在此发布各自遇到的问题并交流如何解决这些问题。
Merseyside Police have launched something similar which allows citizens access to information on an on-demand basis, post code enabled search and features to report crime patterns. MerseysidePolice已经投入运行了类似的网站,允许市民根据需求访问信息,提供支持邮编的搜索以及报告犯罪模式的特性。
Is it necessary to write post code? 必须写上邮递区号吗?
I dont understand, what it's Post code? 我不明白,它的邮政代码?
The financial times demands that people register before commenting online, and we ask for a post code, employment details and job title, as well as an e-mail address. 英国《金融时报》要求读者先行注册,然后才能在网上进行评论,而且我们还要求读者提供邮政编码、雇用信息、职务头衔以及一个电子邮箱地址。
Please advise on the delivery location and post code, the Seller will get quotation from the courier service company then reply to the Buyer as soon as possible. 请提供送货地区及邮区编号,卖家将尽快跟快递公司确认邮费,然后就可以立刻为买家报价。
In the beginning, one could not extract a file from a POST message unless he wrote custom code parsing the post and retrieving the file data. 最开始的时候,开发者无法从POST信息中提取文件,除非他编写了自定义的代码来解析post并取得文件的数据。
In a mass mailing or in an advertisement, you might post a coupon code to give customers an added incentive to order. 在大量邮件推广或在某个广告中,您可以公布优惠券代码以刺激客户的订购欲望。
At the end of each post, I'll include a link to download the "code so far". 在每篇博文的最后,我会附上一个下载最新代码的链接。
Contact Person: Cheng Quan. Post Code: 432700 联系人:全成邮编:432700
The look may be nice on the front page, but if it handles things in a way you don't like on the single post, then you will have to dig into the code and make changes. 也许在首页上外观看起来不错,但如果在一个单独的文章上它处理东西的方式,你不喜欢的话,你就要进入代码,并做一些更改。
If you tend to post a LOT of code blocks, consider pasting the code in a Paste Bin and linking to it on your site. 如果你有粘贴许多的代码块的倾向,考虑一下在一个粘贴板上粘贴代码,并且将代码链接到你的站点上。
Please write down the address, post code, phone and cell number of the owner. 请写下车主的联系地址、编、话和手机号码。
Immediately inform the agency bank any change to its bank name, swift code, address, post code and cable a; 将行名、行号、营业地址、邮政编码、电报挂号等变更事项及时通知代理行;
For example, to generate a distinctive style sheet in a post only found within a specific category, the code might look like this. 例如,给一个特别类别中的文章创建一个样式表,代码可能看起来像这样的。
The association will sent you4 issues of World Paper-cut and some materials for free, if your address and post code has any change, please inform the Liaison Department of Association by mail. 协会每年免费赠寄四期《国际剪纸》刊物和有关资料,通讯地址及邮编如有变化,请及时函告协会组联部。
The post code is 100001. 邮政编码是100001。
Microsoft employees will use this site to post snippets of the code they are working on, revealing some of the secrets of current or future Microsoft products. 微软员工也会通过这个站点张贴他们工作代码中的片段,揭示目前或是未来微软产品中的秘密。
Post Bar Code Times 后条形码时代
To post the mask and bar code, and check up the periodicals on their contents; 粘帖上书标、条型码与磁条,再进行期刊与目录卡核对;
The final purpose of the post processing is to generate code program which is suitable for actual NC system. 后处理的最终目的就是要生成一个适合于实际数控系统的代码程序。